Assassin’s Creed Mirage – things I love and hate about it

Assassin's Creed Mirage first impressions

Hi all. So now I have spent a significant amount of time on Assassin’s Creed Mirage – roughly, maybe 10 hours or so, I can finally say the things I love and hate about the game.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage pros

I love many things about the game (I even wrote my Assassin’s Creed Mirage impressions), however, there are some things I love more and other things I dislike.

Smaller world

OK, let’s start with the much smaller and much more compact world. Yes, I absolutely love it! The fact that I no longer need to trek for 30 real life minutes to get to my next checkpoint is really amazing! The world itself feels much more alive with everyone moving, shopping, doing something … and the sound in the markets … oh my god, when playing with the headphones, it feels as though those people are actually around you.

Back to basics

I guess everybody’s favourite thing about Assassin’s Creed Mirage – back to stealth and basics. Back to what actually kicked the whole franchise out. The game is very stealth-focused and it’s great because I truly suck at combat xD

Short Story

While I have not completed the story, I absolutely love the fact that it’s not spanning over 40 hours of the same thing that gets boring. Some missions here require you to rescue someone (or multiple people) or tail someone (I still hate it) or steal something, etc … However, for some reason it doesn’t get boring.

Gorgious visuals

And of course, the graphics and visuals are so good. It’s crazy. While I am playing on my Xbox Series S on 4K monitor, I already see amazing graphics. I bet Xbox Series X emits even better graphics.

Things I dislike about Assassin’s Creed Mirage

As MatPat would say – there is no movie without a sin – the same applies to video games.


The combat sucks big time. Mostly because I can’t fight. Often times I mixed when I have to parry or dodge/roll over. That’s probably on me. I also see there isn’t a lot of variety. Parry, dodge/roll over, light hit or heavy hit. And of course there is stealth assassination.


When it comes to investigations (that’s how quests/missions are called in Assassin’s Creed Mirage), there aren’t a lot of checkpoints. Usually, when you start infiltrating a building (stealthily or using force), if you die, you have to start over. And if you spent the last 20 minutes hiding and assassinating enemies and you die, you have to redo whole 20 minutes … or find a better strategy.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage achievements earned

OK, with that said, I still realise I haven’t played the game enough to make a full judgement. Of course, I should have gotten full 1K GS on Assassin’s Creed Mirage within the first weekend but, you know, I am busy with life stuff … eventually, hopefully this week, I will get full completion on this game. Meanwhile, I have earned another 10 achievements:

  • Surprise!Assassinate 10 guards from hiding spots
  • A True Hidden OneAssassinate 10 guards in a row without triggering an open conflict
  • Poster BoyAt maximum notoriety, become anonymous by tearing down wanted posters
  • The Blood of a GhoulEliminate El-Ghul
  • Potion CollectorObtain a total of 10 elixirs
  • The Blood of an EnchantressEliminate El-Pairika
  • Sleep TightPut 10 guards to sleep with blowdarts
  • The Blood of a DemonEliminate Al-Rabisu
  • You Snooze, You LosePickpocket a guard affected by blowdart
  • UnstoppableKill 5 guards with one use of Assassin Focus

Now I am at 260/1,000 GS. “You Snooze, You Lose” is my most excited achievement because it’s the only one that is missable and I obtained it already. This achievement requires to use a blowdart on a guard and then pickpocket him. The only guards that are eligible for this achievement are the artifact bearers or key bearers. And there aren’t many of them. Once you pickpocket with or without blowdart – they are gone. That’s why I feel relieved that I have this achievement now.

OK, that’s it, happy hunting hunters!

Who is Kontender Don?

Hi there, my name is Don and I am achievements hunter for Xbox. Here, I share my experiences, almost on daily basis (hopefully). To learn more about me, click here :)

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